CAGD 230

Group 7 OverWatch

      Over the month that we had to do this assignment I felt that I was able to get a good amount of detail and shape to the building inside Maya the 3D modeling editor.  At first I was just trying not to do the UV mapping inside one square so I saved that job for last.  It made things I did a bit more difficult once I put it Unity a game engine because I couldn't get the same repeating wood pattern.  Besides that I liked how the building turned out and the few props I added.  If I was to change one thing it would be to add a little more to the top of the building because of the flatness it has.
      Not to much inspiration came to this building due to the lack of owning this game and playing on the map.  All I was able to see was a few pictures of the building which wasn't much but the building itself might seem simple now because my model does not include the inside.  We were focusing on the modeling of the outside and being able to replicate it to our best ability.  One thing I did not notice until now was that all the windows were the same.  I forget to move the windows in the UV map so in the final render every window is the same so slightly sad I forgot to change the maps around to have 3 different windows.  Also noticed that the barrel was slightly discolored and I left I mark on the door.  I felt like I had changed them in Photoshop but next time I need to pay more attention to the little details too.
      The team was good and most of the time we were completing tasks on time and showing each other the progress we had.  The one thing was that we weren't able to combine all our models until the night before so slightly stressful but I was able to finish it at home.  

Saloon Cont...
          During the break I wasn’t able to do a lot of work due to my computer’s motherboard gave out so getting more work done on this has been a struggle.  In class has been good enough time though I have to spend the time a lot more wisely due to the lack of a PC at home.  I still want to add wooden frames around the buildings edges on top to get a more realistic looking roof as well as fix my texture maps to have it all in one.
          As of right now each object has its own separate UV map which is not good for this project due to the instructions asking for no more than 2 maps.  I will have to take all of the textures I have thus far and bring them into Photoshop to cover the edges of each image.  I will also need to make sure that the UV’s fit inside the 1 by 1 square without any overlap or distortion.  This is my final thing I really need to do though I should have started by doing this first so a lot of backtracking and refitting.

          Over the next week, I want to finish the maps and maybe add some bump maps though I don’t have any rocks or defining edges that need to pop.  Though I could add it to the flooring or panels to get the depth of each individual wood panel but might make a lot of noise.  Finally, I just need to export it into Unity and familiarize myself with Unity to create a terrain for the saloon to go on.


            So far, I have completed most of the textures for the building as well as the props, windows and doors.  I might want to change up some of the windows so that they do not have all the same texture.  I am not quite sure if I will be able to have all the props due to the poly count, we must be beneath 5000.  Though that might not seem like a lot of space to take up which it is not, the railing alone along the building is about 3800 so something will have to go.
          I still need to add text to the building to make it look more like the building in the game.  The angles that I have I think make the building look nice as well as stand out.  The textures are going well but I will need to put them all into one instead of having them large and repeated.  I have not figured out exactly how to do that but will seek help.  I want to make sure the building has the wood running the right way and to make it look old so I will have to touch up the wood and giving it less blue.
          I plan to cut down some of the count and maybe get rid of props due to the amount we can have.  I think the building just needs wooden frames added around the whole building to get the finishing touches on the building.

Saloon Textures
So far, I have completed most of the outside objects like the pillars, flooring, and rails.  Also, add a few props like the barrel and the wagon but not sure if I will add more probably just focus on other things.  The building I’m needs a bit more work like windows but once I make one window the placement is all that is required after.

I haven’t found a texture I like for the outside of the building I’m not sure if I want to make the colors and name the same.  Not sure how to make the old wood texture please the blue hue and name all on both sides.  I will need to put time into Photoshop and making a good texture.  Probably just old wood and then shade it a light blue-green.

During the next week, I would like to put some more work on to the textures of the barrels and wagons as well as placing the window frame and then a broken or covered window.  Need to make the building pop out more to have it look more realistic and match the scene.  Might need to get help splitting the building into smaller builds to pull out certain parts or indent. 

Overwatch Hollywood

     I just wanted to get the simple layout of the building and to capture the old saloon style building that is in this map.  I wasn't able to add props yet though I think a wagon or some wooden barrels would make it look that much better.  I need to add the window frames and the door frames to the outside to get the more realistic look of the building.  One thing that I would change is the wooden railings that I have, is to have less rails and extrude them out on the bottom to give a nice shape as well as reducing the amount of number of rails there are.  I might add a ladder or stairs to the other side to be able to go on top of the building.  Not sure if I want to make an inside yet because of how the building is connected to the others around it as well as adding a top bridge that would connect to other buildings.
     The textures have been added slightly but they didn't show up in the render yet.  The ground I didn't work on because it will be made in Unity.  It was just used as a reference to see how it would look on the ground with light shining.

Dining Scene

Dining Details

     I tried to slightly change the colors in my shop and not sure if i like them red and pink or white and pink.  Besides thinking of color the textures have come out decent though the seats need to lose the reflectiviness they have right now.  They shouldn't be reflecting as much as they are.  Also haven't figured out what makes the photos come out so fuzzy and with the light specs every where.

     I remodeled the stool tops and gave them more of a nice smooth shape like Casper Hot Dogs stool tops.  It looks more realistic and something more common;y seen in small diners.  The counter that has the decal on the side I feel adds a nice touch but I might want to make the donuts guy stick out of the counter so maybe add a bump map.  The railing that I have right now seems to reflective and I might want to turn down the color or gloss down.

     I added more to the cups and gave them a handle though I haven't completely shaped it as much as I'd like but I still need to add a texture to the inside of the cup.  The napkin holders are mostly done just might want to add a actual napkin inside the or sticking out of the middle is what I'm thinking.  And I also might add a top texture to the counter tops because the white alone makes it boring but I also have to think whats gonna be seen mostly.  Felt like I might have spent a little to much time on some items that didn't need work while others needed more attention that they didn't get.

Dining Texture

     I wasn't able to complete all of the UVings that I wanted to get through so I will still need to put in the donuts which is separated from top and bottom so that all the bottoms will stay the same but can easily change the top half's. Also the final drink machine needs to be finished and some of the other ones need a color change as well as fixing some vent problems on the side. I felt like I might have spent too much time on the cash register though it doesn't have that much room in the scene.  I might end up moving it around.
     This week was a bit tougher though I still need to touch up the window and the light that needs to come through. The stools I need to slightly angle and reshape to get that regular seat. I might add a booth or two but not sure yet but probably just going to stick with what is in the scene and continue to improve them and texture them. The color theme so far is red and white though I might change that and have it a teal or blue and some other color that I don't know of yet.  

Dining Blocks
     During this assignment we are to make a dining scene of some type and I choose to make a donut shop.  I wanted to keep it simple but still give the friendly welcome of a donut shop.  Though this is just the rough blocks on where the everything will be and what I will need to add more detail too.  I have a few different drink machines in the back I will need to texture as well as continue to finish the background and walls.
     The lighting is still very basic and more lights will be added above the counter tops, whether they will bring large amounts of light is undecided due to if I want windowed or hard walls.  But overall the progression of the project is coming along well but more time in finding textures is needed.

Grocery Shelf

          For this assignment we needed to create a shelf full of typical groceries you see at the store.  I wanted to get some of the classic items that people will know right away.  It took a little time to get all of the UV maps to have the correct label and face which was supposed to face the camera.  The shadows of the boxes inside the cabinet makes it look more realistic and adds more depth to the image.  I wish I would have add more items to the shelf to make it seem more complete or full.  I could have maybe even added another shelf to add more items to it.
          The labels were not too difficult to find but the more I needed the less I was to find pictures of full boxes or glasses.  Also could have changed the reflectiveness of some of the boxes because boxes don’t have the reflectiveness of metal but it only seems to be happening to the pancake box.

Table & Chair

          During this week a table and chair were need to be made.  I chose an image from the web and referenced it to make the table and chair.  The color of the chair I felt was a good match but I may have wanted to darken the wood coloring of the table because it is lighter than the wood on the chair.  I wish I would have put a little bit more time on top of the table and have panels of wood instead of just a flat surface.
          Also I might have wanted to change the directions of the lights, the shadows seem to be a bit strange but maybe next time when there is more details add a chandler and make that the light source.


     In the pencil assignment, I was suppose to take a sample of a pencil and create a replica of it. There was no limit to what we could do with the pencil but the classic #2 lead pencil is classic and been used many times over. I had to combine some objects and make sure that the textures fit together and that the colors of the each shape was the correct color. Some trouble that I had with was getting the very top of the cone to change color. I could only have the whole thing one color and couldn't figure it out.
     If I could fix that I would, to add the more realistic pencil top on it. It has no lead showing or the white colored woof texture once you start shaving it down. Maybe also reshape the eraser a bit more to have a better curve on the bottom. Also couldn't find a good angle to take the picture of the pencil.  I should have maybe closed in on the pencil and turn it sideways, but when I tried to move the pencil it would disappear.


     In this assignment when were only allowed to use primitive shapes.  Which meant no manipulating any of the shapes to make something new out of the original shape.  But what we could do is but all of those primitives together and make something out of it.  I choose to make a NASCAR raceway.  
     The scene you can see 3 race cars, one exiting the pit stop and the other 2 passing the line.  Also in the scene there are RV's in the waiting area watching the race go on.  There is a tower next to the RV's and then in the distant there is an air balloon televising the game. I choose this camera angle because I felt it is a very common angle during the game if you are watching it from home.  Always getting the close in action of cars trying to pass at high speeds while also having another leave the pit area ready to get back in the race.  
     One of the problems I first had was which angle did I want the race and how much of the raceway I really need to develop more and what to leave out.  I probably could have add some clouds in the back to make the sky more real or even take the shot from where the air balloon is.

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