CAGD 470

Sprint 5

     Things that I had to work on for this sprint was to get the new danger object created and textured and then brought inside the game to make sure that it will hurt the players when they touch it. I also worked on populating the map with monsters and to make sure they had correct hit boxes and having lots scattered throughout the map. Furthermore I had to use my pipe I had already created from my personal project and created a smoke effect so when the player heals with the berries it brings that up and slowly heals the player.  Finally I have been working on completing the second map and adding the hut I created as well as create the layout and destination we want the player to reach at the end of the game.

     Well first off it did take me a bit longer with creating this second model and it had to do a lot with not liking the first version I created and went back and fixed it to something that would fit more into the game we have. With this object being inside a forest I did not want to make it so hard to notice you wouldn't even know it was there but changing the texture and fixing makes it match the layout and style for second map.  I have been fine tuning the path that the players will be able to travel on and where I want to lead the players, however I still need to add details like trees, ponds and more bushes to make this feel like an overgrown jungle.

    With that being said I have made a few changes to the map like making the edges of the map be sky texture so it looks like the mountain jungle is above the clouds. I got this idea from my lead and I found a picture that would work great and have just been trying to make sure the players can't come back up from falling and die from doing it so just making sure it works.  Then I worked on making the pipe have a loop effect of smoke that would come from the center of the pipe to heal the player to show an effect so players could actually see themselves healing.  This did take me a few days to understand how the particle effects worked in Unity since maya was giving me troubles. But I found out that making it in Unity was the right was to go and made it easy to implement want I wanted to the pipe and change colors and even the image.

     For this sprint I do think I could have got more done but with not being the only game I am making at the moment limits how much I can do. However, I feel like the game is coming out well and I want to work on a ending scene when the game is complete but I have very little animation or creating a short film in this so I will try to do this with mixamo and the help with youtube. I will also be working on completing zone 2 and having this game ready for our beta launch and then finish it off with small details.


Sprint 4

     For this sprint I was able to work on the following objects and cards that I had assigned to me which was fixing the first map layout, finishing the texturing of the first boss monster, animating boss monster to be able to fight players inside the game, as well as animating the smoking of the space bush and lastly creating damaging plants that will be spread out through the second level which I also started creating. Now that I look and what I thought I could do was to large for what time I do have for each class and this was for more work than I thought. Next sprint I will be limiting how much I do so that we can fine tune the game we have and have a complete game with an ending.

     I was able to finish most of my cards that I did have assigned but the hardest one I had was animating with both the pipe and monster. Firstly was the monster not wanting to correctly come in from mixamo to unity with the same rig that I had for it. I did finally fix it by bringing my final animations into maya and binding the skin and adjusting the joints inside the autorig mixamo gives you.  This took the most time to learn because animation is new to me though I have rigged some basic objects characters tend to be something I still need to learn more.

     However, the stuff that I was able to complete and finally get it uploaded to my teammates to make sure everything was running smoothly since my unity was acting up.  I did my first rough pass through the level and have a pretty good idea on how we want the game to end and with the limiting of sprints we have left has made somethings needing to be cut so I suggested that once they reach the top of the mountain we make a cut scene and have the "Ascend to Glory" and then leave them in a land filled with monsters until they die and that will be the end of the game to survive as long as you can but it will be similar to Halo Reach ending of your character you create and see through the game. Whether we actually do this is something we still need to figure out and make a cut scene as well so its an idea.

     Overall, I did still have two cards that remained into assigned but I was able to complete the other tasks and now with the new direction we have from the playtest and burndown chart has made this a bit easier to fine tune and add items that we fill necessary for the core game play. I do hope for this next sprint to be able to complete all my cards and maybe one or two more like adding monsters to the levels and making sure you can not travel off the map into limbo and other small issues I must fix to make a complete game for players to test and enjoy.


Sprint 3

     During this sprint I had a few different cards that I needed to complete so that we could get our first digital prototype out for testers to play and give us feedback on. I first started by completing the model for the boss monster and started the uving process and getting it ready to texture him in Substance. Once I finished uving it, I took a break from that to complete some of the more pressing cards I had like to finish the glory hut for players to restock on supplies and upgrade weapons and armor.

     After creating a basic hut and bringing out the textures of it in Substance I was able to import it into the game and begin placing the different objects inside of it. However, from the feedback that we received from the playtest I do need to either brighten up the hut or change the texture completely since they said it was hard to find and spot out. So I will be going back and trying to brighten the building or turn off the shadows so that is visible no matter what type of lighting is happening.

     Finally I worked on finishing touches on the terrain by adding more bushes, and a path for the player to follow roughly around the map. This also brings me to what the playtesters said about that as well, which was to make the map not so flat and to give it ups and downs making the map less visibly seen all at once. I plan on changing the terrain because I think this is a great idea and gave me some direction to go from so I am excited to change that for the next level.

     Overall, this sprint went well, I still need to complete the boss monsters textures and finalize the animations that I have chosen and begin the process of having him loop his animations and attack when need be. I do not know how to do this so this will be somewhat of a challenge but I am willing to learn so I can help my team continue on to the other levels we have planned.


Sprint 2

     For this sprint I had a few different cards that I needed to complete. These including creating terrain objects like trees and bushes that will heal and hurt the player. I also worked on the crafting station and glory station that will resupply and gain new tools from.  I have started to put the models into the game engine and making sure that the textures work and there is no lighting or texture errors.  Once I got those into the game and all textured up I moved onto the next item I had to do which was start creating the terrain the player would be playing on in the first electronic prototype.

     The amount of cards that I got completed was 4 this sprint, though I did have 5 I needed to complete I was unable to start the modeling for the boss monster for level 1.  I will be starting on it shortly since that will be how you complete the game in our first prototype and unlock the key to the next level when we get to that update.  I will say that learning how to create a nice map the players can run and jump on was harder than I thought but once I figured out how map magic 2 works and creating nodes to make mountains or rivers or grass plains.

     The issues I had the most came with creating the map itself and the sky-box to make sure the light level was correct and had the color hue needed when surrounded by giant lakes of lava.  Fine tuning and lots of trials and errors of what will look good in the sky and what will also match the ground and color scheme that we having going on.  I wish I would have had a bit more time to get started on the monster but that is my first priority right now to complete so we have a great electronic prototype for testers to try.


Sprint 1

     During this sprint most of my cards pertained to the creation of map layouts, concept art for level designs and 2D art concept of what the level one boss will look like for the first main battle in the game.  Getting a map layout and figuring out how the maps would all link up together and transition nicely to  the next stage of the game.  For the first level is had to do with lava and climbing from the depths of the mountain and traversing your way and fighting off monsters themed from each climate.

     In total the number of cards that I had to complete this sprint was 4 and I was able to complete each one on time before our prototype was delivered.  However, one card did take me a bit longer due to each level needing its on map and how each level would be planned out for the player to fight through.  Other than that the sprint went well was able to complete what was needed and started modeling out the boss monster for level 1 and hope to have that done soon to get it moving in the digital game.

     For this next sprint I will be getting ready a terrain for the players to play at least the first two stages of the mountain. I would also like to get the boss monster ready and have some damaging plants and the health bush ready for the beta testing in the coming sprints.

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