CAGD 373

Final Presentation


Walk Through of Game Scene


Final Project

       This is the second texture of my weapon due to the first one not completely detailed or refined enough for me so I went back and retextured and rendered the model out.  I think that it came out a lot better and looks more realistic, as well as something that would be seen during that time period.

     Was super proud of how this gun came out but it need more details and didn't have enough overall attention it needed. I'm glad I went back and changed somethings around, it made the overall gun and case stand out a lot better.  I did have some troubles getting the alpha stamps to work properly but was able to due without.

     This project came out really well and the teamwork that we put into the scene shows the effort and time we put into it.  I would like to add more terrain around the overall scene or more buildings but we were trying to achieve a ghost town or old mining town, so I think that we hit that right on the dot.

Final Project Weekly Progress 5


Final Project Weekly Progress 4

Final Project Weekly Progress 3

       For this week I needed to help my team create a part of the small mining town.  I thought that a good building to have would be a saloon or old hotel that was heavy used and has a lot of wear and tear on the outside of the building.  The modeling took a bit longer than what I wanted due to adding to many loops and had to reduce the amount that I had.  

      When I add this to substance painter I think  this building will really shine through and the detail and textures  will come out great.  That seems to be the best part about doing this, is finding out what I like to do better. Modeling or texturing both have their difficult but still fun and creative.

      For next week I want to finish the texturing of this and start on my next model which will be a mine cart located inside the mine shaft.  I am not sure exactly what we will do will this model but I think it will add a nice touch to the inside of the mine.  If I have time I might also try to make a few rails that are broken or slightly worn.  
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Image result for mining cart

Final Project Weekly Progress 2

Final Project Weekly Progress 1

      For this Project we are put into teams of 3 and the game that we choose was Red Dead Redemption 2 from RockStar Games.  This game was released in late October of 2018 with the game scoring extremely high with players.  What we wanted to achieve in our reconstruction of Red Dead 2 was to create a mining town that holds the treasure of a life time within its hills.  We want it to be during the night time while heavy fog is present to give that scary spooky feeling to leave players on the edge of their seats.

      I think this will be a good way for players to explore the map to find the key that opens the treasure inside the mining cave.  I'm not sure how many buildings we want to add, I wanted to have it more of a ghost town or old mining town where gold would have been found but now depleted leaving it empty and broken down.  The palette for this type would be a lot of dark tones and shady places to keep the scary feel.  I still want lights to be present or at least lamps flickering so the flames will make the shadows dance.


Sci Fi Hallway

     This was not exactly what I wanted and I did have a few set backs that made my final product not look as intended.  I was unable to make the ceilings block light coming from outside of the structure.  I would have also like to better design and paint the hallways but I did not give myself the proper time needed to complete each task.  

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