CAGD 495 Card Garden

Sprint 6

     During this sprint I was mainly focused on completing the winter minion and getting him textured and ready for the build that we just put out but unfortunately I was unable to get it done by that time but I was able to animate the winter minion ever so slightly that gave it a nice touch to the character.  The texturing of the model was really quick since I have made ice and have a nice glaze marble maps that give it cracks randomly throughout the model. These small touches make this character probably my favorite at this point of which ones I have created so far for this project.

     Once I got the approval for the model and its texture I got it ready for unity and had to redo the animation but since it was only one piece it was easy to do. After that I had to get started on the entrance to the tunnel where enemies come out from. At first I was a bit confused on what it was going to be used for, however once I understood how the level designer wanted it to be used I started on creating something for him.  The first design I made was not exactly what they wanted though they did like the design and texture just wanted it smaller.

     In my head I thought these were going to be the entrances that all enemies come out of at the beginning of the level and each one would be different depending on the level similar to the lair but not as extravagant.  So switching to make a new one was easy reusing what I had and creating a smaller whole for the pillars to sit inside and show that it was covered by sand.  This one is coming out pretty well they just want a bit more rock sand texture and not so much brick so I need to change that up. 

     The work that I have now will be carried over to the next sprint though I am almost done with it and then will be going back and retouching level one assets to better fit the style we now have for the game. As well as creating a freeze effect that is casted from the winter minion so I am not sure how I will do it but I am excited to try more VFX work since I was going to be starting that in 493 with my car being done.  It is a important skill and using unity's particle system is really easy and making PNG's as sprites to give interesting effects.
Sprint 5

     For this sprint and the cards that I was able to get done was finalizing the forest minion and making sure it was ready for both rigging and release date. Once we all liked what the character looked like I was suppose to move onto the next minion which is the winter minion but there were a few problems with not having a completed idea and concept for the character. With that being said my producer gave me the next item on the list which was creating a Queen bee that protects the base lair inside the game.

    This model did not take me as long but since I was a few days behind I have been trying to model the character fast and get the UVing done for it as well to get it finished for this sprint. I haven't got feedback yet but I assume by the end of the week I will know what they think of it and what they might want changed to make it fit better with the style. However, I like it just how it is but I am bias since I did it myself, though looking at real bees gave me the idea to give his body a small furry texture since bee's have hairs that collect and hold pollen.

      Once I get this model okay'd for completion, I can bring it into Unity and export as a prefab for the level designers to be able to place inside the game. I will then we starting on one of the last character models I have left I believe which is the winter minion and from what I have been given so far it will not be using the same mesh as the other characters. They want it to be more of a rock/ice monster that floats with the power of the winter spirit. This can look very nice if I get it right I just think I will have to make it individual ice rocks so they can rotate around the rig making it look alive.

      During this sprint I think I could have gotten a bit more work done but there was a bit of a delay and had to move to other items in the backlog. I do think that I have learned a lot when making these models and how to properly uv and model quickly and correctly how the concepts look.  I do think that once the characters are rigging and completely put into the game it will really bring the game to life like the others I played.
Sprint 4

     During this sprint I have been finishing up the archer character and started the process of creating the next character model on my list which was the forest minion. This one I enjoyed creating out of the rest of the characters so far since it was something different and texturing was fun to find a good style that fit this character.  This character however did take some more time to fine tune and get what me and the leads wanted to see from it.

     I did have to go back a few times into the Maya scene to delete some faces and unwanted parts of the character we no longer found necessary to keep. This did also make me have to go back and redo some uving for the character since the deletion of some faces and objects in total.  This did bring a better model to light and is something I was proud to create in the time I had. However, this did put me behind slightly with my next model but should have it ready by next week.

     For what was finished during this sprint was the start of modeling for the next minion which is the winter and after that will be the queen bee that protects the lair.  I have not seen the concept for the winter minion but the queen bee seems rather interesting since it is a BEE and changing from humanoid to animal will be a nice change of speed. I do think this character will be rather easy but I am glad for some change of scene.  I do hope to get at least one full model complete and start on the bee shortly after because of the simple shape it contains.

     Overall, this sprint went well I did fall slightly behind with creating models but I hope to catch up shortly with the next creation of minion and additional models I have lined up in my backlog. This is a good thing because I know what I need to get done and what I have to look forward to when finishing up work and looking for the next project to start.  The leads have been very helpful with feedback which is much needed because what I think is good is not always the best it can be so they push me to make better models the next time.
Sprint 3

     For cards that were assigned to me this sprint was finishing up the character models like the rogue and paladin. This including uving the characters, texturing and bringing them into unity and creating prefabs to export to the level designers to implement into the game.  I did take me a few times to get the correct version we wanted for our base model but once I was able to fine tune it creating the characters has become rather easy.

     However, there has been some problems with making sure that they are centered in the scene and having all unused nodes deleted so I have been going back and re-uploading and models I previously had so that they are all correct when brought into the game engine.  My models have come a long way from where I started with 70k tris for one model and brought it down to less than 8k tris per character and capturing a lot of details in the textures bringing them to life.

     I am currently finishing up the archer model right now for the last enemy in the first level and then will be moving onto the next round of minions that the lead has given me to go from.  I hope to finish the archer by this weekend once I get feedback on how he looks and what changes maybe need to be made to make it style fit more into the game.

     Overall, I think I am improving in the amount of things I can produce during these sprints and want to accomplish more with each release becoming more evident to get my models done in a timeline manner for future release dates.

Sprint 2 

     For this sprint I was assigned finishing up the rogue model and then getting started on the paladin so they can be game ready for sprint 3.  I was able to model, uv and texture the rogue model and have him as an asset inside Unity with his materials and shine where i needed to be.

     Once we had decided that the rogue model was complete, I moved onto the next model which was the paladin.  I have a base model making creating the model a lot easier and giving me room to make each model different yet have the same rig to limit the amount of necessary rigging we don't have time for.

     After I started modeling and getting the paladin ready, there was some issues will cleanup and had to delete and bridge a lot of faces to make the geometry smoother.  However, once I discussed with the lead and designer we decided that the models I was creating were to high poly for the game were are making. This lead me to having to create a whole new base model and start over with the rogue and paladin.

     I actually think this was the best thing we could do for the game, due to the fact the models came out a lot nicer with a very low poly count for the base model with only 3200 tris being used.  We also decided on a poly limit for me to stay in with each of the models and this will also include their weapons they will be holding.  Keeping this in mind has made me really refine the original base model and really increased the overall look of them.

     As of right now I am still working on finishing the rogue and cleaning up some issues that the team felt was wrong with the character. Hopefully will have this done at the beginning of the next sprint and then I can get started on the paladin and then on to the minions.

Sprint 1

     During this sprint I was asked to complete a few different modeling tasks that included rock tiles, archway tiles and bringing a cohesive texture set that would be applied to the other models objects so we have a complete color matched sets. After finding the textures and communicating with my lead and designer to get the goofy and cartoony style they were looking for. Then to finish the sprint out and move towards getting the digital game playtest ready, I was assigned to create a basic character model that the programmers could use to start spawning. This will lead to me creating the minions and enemies that will be attacking the towers.

Rock Tile

     For assigned tasks it totaled out to 5 that I was asked to complete. During this sprint I was able to complete 4 out of 5 tasks assigned to me. I am in progress of creating a basic rig for the animator and then use that model as the base for the creation of the enemies and minions I will be creating over the next sprints.

Broken Archway

     I would say during this sprint there weren't to many problems besides making sure the textures I was getting got credit where it was due, as well as texturing the models for the style of the game. It did take me a few tries to complete the texturing but I was rushing it and it showed, so I slowed down thought about what a real rock looks like and how moss grows on it. From there they came out great and got approved for asset use in the digital game.

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