CAGD 345

Clear Water

     Our idea for our second story was to have a Mad Max type race where they have to dodge bullets, racers and sea monsters to reach the finish and win their freedom.  We took a long time to decide exactly what type of story we wanted and what we details were needed overall to have a complete story in under a minute.  At first our story was all over the place and didn't have enough scenes to give a good idea of what the story was about.  We extended some scenes and add more details to the scenes to easily identify what was happening and where the main characters where.

     Once we had finally gotten a story and idea we took with it and started to really get into what we wanted to happen. We wanted a lot of explosion and shooting and a fight scene to take over the whole animation.  The only main probably we had was we started to add to many shots to the animatic making it hard to keep it within our 1 minute constraint.  Getting the sounds was easy enough from the ones we found on making this a lot simpler and not having to create to many of our own.  Also had to minimize how long each shot was due to the large amount of overall panels we had created for this.

     Our first showing of our project showed us a lot of what we needed to get done to have a full understandable short clip.  Our classmates gave us good ideas and we took some of those like adding panels and getting good audio to have the full experience of the short clip.  I feel that we came a long way from the original story and gave it what it needed to make it a good story.  Overall, I feel we did very well and that the animatic came out better than we thought and with just a little over a minute it was still good for our project.


After Math

     For this first project we were given free rain in deciding what our story would be and how I wanted the tale to end.  This gave to a lot of freedom of choosing a theme and overall idea for this short one minute animation.  My story is about Chester a noble pawn that usually rushes into battle but with his last fight ending in blackness he must learn to wait for opportunities instead of battling head on.  Chester may finally learn what true victory is if he is patient enough.

      This is an animatic of my story After Math, this is still a rough for me and if I was to continue to work and detail this better I would smooth out the sounds and color in the story to allow for better interpretation on what is happening in the story.  Most of Adobe Premiere was easy and most of it snapped and played but not all the pictures wanted to overlay but I workout a lot of the kinks so that the video would run smoothly.

     The story board needed a little more work and detail to the main character to show the difference between him and the other characters that are seen briefly throughout the story.  I also did not do the time stamp on these so bringing it into an animatic caused a little issue with timing and which is why this story is slightly over one minute long.

     My beat boards were good but I had to much going on in my story so I had to cut back on some scenes and make sure that the story fit into the one minute time limit.  It was close and timing will be better next time in allowing scenes to be cut less frequently.

     The character models and concepts came along well but when I tried to do it into the animatic I felt the scene was to large for what we were working with but I need to learn to use different camera angels and positions to really get a better story telling experience for the audience.

     The script was not to bad to deal with, I had done some commercials before and understood the concept of what this one was looking for and with this animatic not having dialog makes the script easy and a lot of special effects sounds and ambient noises.

     This was my overall idea for what I wanted my animatic to be like and role smoothly through the story without getting lost to where we went or why he came back to his original fight.  I just had a lot of different ideas I wanted to go with this story but with one minute the story can only be so much and it has to get right to the point no time can be wasted because towards the end it is hard to make sure everything fits within that time limit.

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